Monday, February 1, 2010

hello feb

have again left this blog empty for quite some time
due to the 'internship' life

i rmb dragging myself to go to work every morning
and getting home tired at night after work

i wouldn't say i've enjoyed a lot through this 2 months
(40 days to be exact)
mostly because of the environment i'm working in

my tough encounter
and the stress i went through

dealt with an expensive lesson
left with a couple of physical scars

but i can't deny that i've indeed learnt something more
as compared to if i stayed at home for this summer holiday

for all the while,
i couldn't help but wish time would seriously fly (though it does really)

anyway, it's now all over
and i'm glad i have my freedom back..hehe

actually there aren't many staff there at the company i worked at
to be truthful, i havent got very attached to them

yet, towards the final 2 weeks or so
i felt that we got closer somehow

didn't expect there was still some slight emotional feelings at the end
to be leaving this life behind & move on with d last part of studies

things didn't go as planned like how i wished it would be
but i accepted this opportunity as it is, just let it be
& trying to learn as much as i can

nothing much i can do then
but at least this has been a useful experience for me

a month to go before the last leg of the race
gotta get some energy charged up for the final sprint..

i hope everyone's doing fine
see y'all again by end of cny ^^

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